About Us

The Florida Association of Veteran Owned Businesses (FAVOB) is a For Public Benefit Organization (non-profit 501c6) statewide business association that advocates for the success of veteran business owners (VOBs) in Florida. We are a community of veteran business owners and patriotic members across the state with chapters in Orlando, Tampa, St Petersburh, on Florida's Space Coast, Jacksonville and Florida's Panhandle.
Our growing organization creates VOB success by generating revenue for, and between its members through our many published $uccess $tories. FAVOB also has numerous Trustee Members who support and help direct our organization's efforts. We have established formal relationships with veteran-focused organizations such as Veterans Florida, FL Office of Supplier Diversity, and a state-wide Strategic Alliance Memorandum with the US Small Business Administration. In addition, many FAVOB members have been formally recognized for their business success and community service.
FAVOB also has a VOB focused legislative agenda and hosts congressional events.