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Congress increases the Government-wide goal for awards to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses from 3% to 5% !

01/23/2024 4:56 AM | Anonymous

Our national GOVCON partner NVSBC has worked tirelessly to to make this happen.  

Congress increases the Government-wide goal for awards to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses from 3% to 5% in a victory for NVSBC, Veterans and American small business.

For years, the National Veterans Small Business Coalition (NVSBC) has advocated that Congress increase the Government-wide goal for awards to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB) from three percent to five percent. NVSBC is excited to announce this change in the signed version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024.

“This milestone victory comes at a time when Veterans in government contracting are providing tremendous value to our nation and to the government, serving again, this time as business owners,” says Scott Jensen, NVSBC’s Executive Director. “We Veterans look forward to continuing to deliver value to federal agencies and the American people.”

Throughout 2022 and 2023, NVSBC leadership collaborated with Members of Congress and Professional Staff on the Senate and House Small Business and Armed Services Committees, urging them to increase the SDVOSB set aside goal and to act more decisively to eliminate self-certification by SDVOSB subcontractors.

Together with the five percent increase, the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA prohibits the government from counting awards to self-certified SDVOSBs toward its prime and subcontracting goals, closing a major loophole in certification requirements.

“Our coalition represents the 40,000 Veteran owned firms across America seeking to do work with the federal government,” explains NVSBC’s Scott Jensen. “About 12,000 of these Veteran business owners currently have contracts to provide products or services to federal agencies. Federal agencies contract with SDVOSB firms to support every category of products and services including construction, information technology, home health services, supply chain logistics, and janitorial services. SDVOSB firms support every agency in every state and all US 14 territories.”

The five percent goal becomes effective with the President signing the NDAA into law. In addition, the prohibition on the government counting awards made to self-certified SDVOSBs at the subcontract level is expected to be effective October 1, 2024. Of note, government awards of prime contracts to self-certified SDVOSBs were prohibited in the 2021 NDAA which became effective January 1, 2024.

Adds Jensen, “It’s been a long road, but SDVOSBs – Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses – can look forward to our long-desired five percent set-aside. It’s smart policy to use Veteran entrepreneurs, known to deliver the best-in-class performance.

Said NVSBC’s Board President, Ed Tuorinsky in a statement: “This is a huge win for us, a win for Veterans, their families and an economic boon for communities across America.”

Learn more about the NVSBC by clicking here.


Creating opportunities for Veteran Business Owners to THRIVE.


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Orlando, FL 32803

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Orlando, FL 32854-0447



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