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Florida Association of Veteran-Owned Businesses

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  • Next CEO Mindset Phase 1 class begins 9 September (applications close 4 September)

Next CEO Mindset Phase 1 class begins 9 September (applications close 4 September)

08/31/2020 7:25 PM | Barron Mills

We have been pushing the CEO Mindset course offered by JULO Strategy for a full year now. Along with the great results being achieved by it's graduates, veteran business owners and CEOs (or other executive roles) in Florida can attend the Phase 1 at no-cost thanks to a grant provided by Veterans Florida. A dozen or more FAVOB members have gone through the program and we've gained members out of it as well thanks to our partnership with JULO Strategy to facilitate getting more veterans into the class.

If you can give three hours every Wednesday evening for six weeks (plus some homework in between), then we highly recommend that you participate in this CEO Mindset course. This is really a rather easy way for business owners to invest in themselves. Please take a hard look at this right now and jump on it if you are tired of being your best/only employee, doing too much on your own, or not seeing the needed growth in revenue. Don't keep thinking that you are too busy to do CEO Mindset. The reason you are too busy is because your business is running you instead of you running your business. Learn to ADE yourself - Automate, Delegate, and Eliminate.

CEO Mindset is currently presented as a virtual course and there are still some spots left for the class that starts on 9 September. Find our more about CEO Mindset here and apply here if interested. Applications close on 4 September. Please make sure you indicate that you heard about the course through FAVOB.


Creating opportunities for Veteran Business Owners to THRIVE.


Physical Address: 835 Bennett Rd. 
Orlando, FL 32803

Mailing Address: PO Box 540447 
Orlando, FL 32854-0447



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