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Florida Association of Veteran-Owned Businesses

Virtual Veteran Success Conference - 12-13 November

11/04/2020 11:57 AM | Anonymous

Dates: 12-13 November 2020 


9:45am - 5pm EST Panels and Breakout Sessions from 10am-3pm

Speed Networking and Virtual Expo Hall from 9:45 am - 5 pm

FAVOB members will  receive complimentary tickets. Please check your email for the link to access your ticket!

Calling all veterans, transitioning service members, and their spouses. Ready to advance your career or boost your business? Are you looking to connect with experts and leaders from around the country?

Are you "zoomed" out and ready to dive into a technology platform that will allow one to one "speed networking" for a more intimate and energizing dynamic?

The Veteran Success Conference is for you if you want to grow your business or move ahead in your career. Over 20 guest speakers (including military veterans and family members) will partner with you to: --Learn proven job search strategies, how to craft an effective resume, how to work with recruiters, and more on career day! --Learn more about increasing sales and revenue, creating a marketing machine, or exploring your business idea on Entrepreneurship Day!

The information and connections you will find during these two days will elevate your network while also allowing you to contribute to the success of others. What more could you ask from the convenience of your desk?


Creating opportunities for Veteran Business Owners to THRIVE.


Physical Address: 835 Bennett Rd. 
Orlando, FL 32803

Mailing Address: PO Box 540447 
Orlando, FL 32854-0447



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