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Trustee Membership & Benefits

We salute our Trustee Partners who provide FAVOB the opportunity to grow and THRIVE as an association. In return FAVOB provides Trustees recognition and access along with sponsorship opportunities to grow their business or organization.

All Trustees receive:

Priority listing on FAVOB’s member directory

  • Second most visited page with over 40% of webpage traffic

Recognition on the FAVOB website and social media to promote and market your products and services

  • FAVOB’s LinkedIn page is the third most followed veteran business page in Florida with thousands of followers
  • FAVOB Friday Newsletter announcement
  • Welcome email sent to all members with recommendation for all FAVOB members “Follow and Share” Trustee LinkedIn company page
  • Use of FAVOB logo on Trustees’ Company page
  • Listing on current FAVOB collateral and marketing materials at all FAVOB events
  • FAVOB collateral material to proudly show FAVOB membership

Access to hundreds of members across the State of Florida who are potential customers, suppliers, or partners to help grow your business

  • Hundreds of members in chapters in Orlando, Space Coast, Greater Tampa Bay with new chapters opening across the state
  • No charge attendance at networking events and professional development programs
  • One-on-one access to chapter and state-wide Board members

Sponsorship of numerous and well attended events focused on building relationships to know, like and trust others as a basis for doing business

  • Invitations to sponsor networking events, Professional Development programs, and social, recreational and community opportunities
  • One-of- a-kind, long-term sponsorship opportunities of FAVOB’s mission

Please contact Membership at FAVOB for the opportunity to grow and THRIVE as a FAVOB Trustee.